Special Paste Options
Copy the totals from row 38 on the January worksheet and paste just the values into cells B38 through M38 on the Forecasting worksheet.
- If necessary, click the January worksheet tab
- Select cells B38 through M38
- In the Home tab, Clipboard group, click the Copy button
- Click the Forecasting worksheet tab
- Click cell B38
- In the Clipboard group, click the Paste drop-down arrow
- Click the Paste Values option
Use AutoFill to add 12 months to row 2. Then, use AutoFill to fill the gym membership price of $10 a month through the month of December.
- Click cell D2
- Use the AutoFill feature to fill the cell values through cell P2
- Click cell D3
- Use the AutoFill feature to fill the cell values through cell M3
Insert Multiple Rows & Columns
Insert two columns between December and January. Then, insert two rows below the top row on the worksheet.
- Click and drag to select columns N and O
- In the Home tab, Cells group, click the Insert drop-down button
- Click Insert Sheet Columns
- Click and drag to select rows 2 and 3
- In the Cells group, click the Insert drop-down button
- Click Insert Sheet Rows
Insert and Delete Cells
Insert a cell above cell A7. Then, delete cell B2, shifting the remaining cells upward.
- Ensure cell A7 is selected
- In the Home tab, Cells group, click the Insert drop-down button
- Click Insert Cells
- Ensure the Shift cells down option is selected
- Click the OK button
- Click cell B2
- In the Cells group, click the Delete drop-down button
- Click Delete Cells
- Ensure the Shift cells up option is selected
- Click the OK button