Mr. Kazanjian Marketing Lessons
Directions: Click on the links below to go to the web pages for each lesson. Each lesson will contain the content that you need to successfully complete the assignment.
Our Marketing Textbook & Syllabus
Extra Credit Lessons
Module 9 Extra Credit 1: Create A Wix Restaurant Website (Project Grade)
Module 9 Extra Credit 2: Create A QR Code For Your Restaurant Website
Module 1 Extra Credit: Stop Motion Animation
Module 2 Extra Credit #2: Build A SharePoint Website Team Site (Project Grade)
Module 3 Extra Credit #1: Redefining Marketing
Module 9 Extra Credit 2: Create A QR Code For Your Restaurant Website
Module 1 Extra Credit: Stop Motion Animation
Module 2 Extra Credit #2: Build A SharePoint Website Team Site (Project Grade)
Module 3 Extra Credit #1: Redefining Marketing